How to play the legend of zelda breath of the wild on pc
How to play the legend of zelda breath of the wild on pc

how to play the legend of zelda breath of the wild on pc

  • Tue 10th Aug Honestly you might be onto something with the personality aspect.
  • Does any of this sound like a selling point of consumer tech? Not to me. Is this why people keep blindly (no pun intended) chasing bigger and bigger numbers of K's? Because the thing is like an illusory drug and the effect of smaller "doses" rapidly degrades with each use? You can't go back to lower dosage (give a modern gamer the resolutions we grew up with, and you'll hear howls and wails that "the goggles do nothing!"), only up and higher up. And here we have visual polish your brain will get used to and completely forget in a matter of minutes. It doesn't make the game look "awesome" because the artstyle, designs and other artistic/programming work that went into the production already did that before, in the original resolution.

    how to play the legend of zelda breath of the wild on pc

    That's still the whole problem of all this graphical fluff - it's just NICE. Rucksack? How about fitting that "kind of power" into one's wallet to begin with? 2 Tb SSD alone can cost like a whole Switch.

    How to play the legend of zelda breath of the wild on pc